Offer details

Discount 50.000 VND for bill from 200.000 VND

Follow these steps to receive discount:

  • Step 1: Customers notify the ticket counter cashier to pay with a Woori Napas card (the card has the words Woori Napas and starts with BIN 9704)
  • Step 2: Lotte Cinema staff will check the correct Woori Napas card and enter the discount code of 50,000 VND. Customers check the order value again after the discount.
  • Step 3: Lotte Cinema staff will make the payment on the POS device, then print the invoice and complete the payment.

Terms & Conditions

  • The promotion is applied on all days of the week, holidays and Tet according to Vietnamese law
  • Applicable up to 5 times/card/day
  • Only applicable to Woori Napas cardholders with BIN: 9704

Applied card

Woori Napas Card


From 01/12/2024 to 30/03/2025 or till the budget has run out


All Lotte Cinemas in Vietnam
