Offer details

To receive 10,000VND from NAPAS and Zalopay, customers only need to follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1: Join the program at the link
  • Step 2: Pay for any product/service on Zalopay with a value of 20,000 VND or more
  • Step 3: On the payment page, select the source of money “Domestic Card” and enter the NAPAS card information
  • Step 4: Confirm payment

Terms & Conditions

  • The money will be recorded in the profitability balance on ZaloPay (if there is no profit birth balance, customers need to register to open the successful profit balance within 120 hours from the time of the reward notice).
  • Each customer will receive 01 promotion throughout the program

Applied card

Woori Napas Card


~ 28/2/2025


Zalopay Application
